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Seven Women Get Real About What It's Like To Be Dark Skinned In India

Every time I go to Delhi, one of the only active things that are a part of my ‘I’m-home-now-let-me-slumber’ routine is accompanying my housekeeper/life-lo...

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True Review Movie - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Director and writer: James Gunn
Stars: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper
Rating PG-13
Running Time: 2h 18m
Genre: Sci...

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Photo Shows Faces Of India, Rarely Seen

Indians are obsessed with fairness. Our movies, fashion industry, advertisements, the nauseating matrimonial ads looking for "fair" brides, they all, directly or indirectly...

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Tiny Silk Batteries Dissolve Within Weeks

A flexible battery made of gauzy silk films could power electronics and then melt away after a preset number of days (ACS Energy Lett. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00...

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With This Low-Cost Arsenic Water Filter, An IIT Kharagpur Professor Wants To Helps Lakhs Of Indians

In 2004, Sirshendu De, a professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, started to work towards saving those from underprivileged backgrounds in West Bengal ...

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World's first fluorescent frog discovered in South America

The world’s first fluorescent frog has been discovered near Santa Fe in Argentina.

Scientists at the Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Museum in Buenos Ai...

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Beauty May Be In The Eyes Of The Beholder, But It's More Than Skin Deep

On March 8, Mumbai will host an unusual pageant: a beauty contest, but one where all the participants live with 100% visual disability. The preparations for Princess India ...

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YouTube Videos On Contraceptive Implants Mostly Accurate, Mostly Positive

The internet is not necessarily a bad place to find information about long-term birth control implants, a study suggests. Young women looking online for information about t...

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Can Wearable Sensors Tell When You're Sick?

It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our exercise habits and sleep patterns: with wearable sensors, researchers say. In a new st...

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India Bans Import Of Exotic Furs & Crocodile Skin – Animal Rights Activists Are Thrilled!

The Indian government may be under fire for things aplenty, but they’re also on fire when it comes to putting down the law for the protection of animals and, especial...

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