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Tomatoes, Limes & Sex-Selective Abortions

The United States is withdrawing all of its funding from the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) after claiming without evidence that the agency supports coercive abortions in China...

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France Becomes The First Country To Ban Plastic Plates And Cutlery

France has apparently become the first country in the world to ban plastic plates, cups and utensils, passing a law that will go into effect in 2020. Exceptions will be all...

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50 Years Ago This Week: How Birth Control Changed Everything

The subject of this week's cover story cost, as TIME noted, just 11 cents to make per unit—but, in the less than a decade of its existence, it had already "changed an...

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Multidisciplinary Program To Raise Awareness On Climate Change

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers predicts sea levels in South Florida will rise from three to seven inches by the year 2030 and from nine to 24 inches by the year 2060. A r...

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Iceland Fixed Its Teen Substance-Abuse Problem By Giving Them Something Better To Do

In 1992, Iceland had all its 14, 15, and 16-year-olds fill out a survey about their experience with drugs and alcohol. 25% smoked daily, and over 40% had gotten drunk in th...

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Ashton Kutcher Takes Fight Against Sex Slavery To US Congress

In advance of the END IT Movement’s fifth annual “Shine a Light on Slavery” day, U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relatio...

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Melinda Gates: I Wouldn't Be Where I Am Today Without Contraceptives

Growing up in a Catholic household in Texas, I never would have guessed that I would one day travel around the world talking about the benefits of contraceptives. I certain...

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How The Women’s March Has United Progressives of All Stripes

The idea started with women on Facebook. On the night of Donald Trump’s surprise victory in November, a grandmother in Hawaii named Teresa Shook went online and calle...

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How One Skater Racked Up Thousands Of Miles On Four Wheels, Two Crutches & One Leg

FOR MOST SKATEBOARDERS, that first board is unforgettable. For 23-year-old Conner Millan, it has helped shape his entire life. Millan received his—a Walmart Spiderman...

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Floods vs. drought

Floods from heavy storms have replaced drought in Northern California. The U.S. Drought Monitor reported Thursday that 42 percent of the state is now drought-free, compared...

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