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Condom-Vending Machines Rust As HIV Cases Increase

Guwahati: Lying unused and unstocked, the state’s condom-vending machines have found no takers. Even as the state records more and more cases of HIV/AIDS, the ambitio...

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Charlize Theron Speaks At United Nations Discussion On AIDS

Speaking at United Nations Headquarters in New York, the leaders of Kenya and Malawi co-hosted this week with the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) a high-level panel...

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Charlize Theron Speaks At United Nations Discussion On AIDS

Speaking at United Nations Headquarters in New York, the leaders of Kenya and Malawi co-hosted this week with the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) a high-level panel...

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Jennifer Lopez Named As Un Foundation Global Advocate For Girls And Women

Today, the United Nations Foundation announced Jennifer Lopez as the first-ever Global Advocate for Girls and Women at the UN Foundation. In this new ro...

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French Pharmacies Begin Selling HIV/AIDS Home Testing Kits

Self-testing kits for HIV/AIDS went on sale in French pharmacies Tuesday, as part of a government plan to encourage early detection of the virus.The test, which is manufact...

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Crowded House Song Benefits Save The Children's Campaign For Refugees

Neil Finn has donated the Crowded House song ‘Help Is Coming’ to a Save the Children campaign to help refugees. The song is featured on a short film by Mat Whit...

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Palakkad First HIV/Aids Literate Dist in Country

PALAKKAD: Palakkad will be declared the first total HIV/ Aids literate district in the country on Monday. T N Kandamuthan, district panchayat president, said that in the la...

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Solo Sailor Jessica Watson Visits Syrian Refugees.

The United Nations World Food Programme’s (WFP) Youth Ambassador Jessica Watson has visited Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan where she witnessed their remarkable...

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Mothers Helping Mothers To Live With H.I.V.

When Teresa Njeri got pregnant in 2001 in Kiambu, a suburb of Nairobi, it was the end of the world.   She was joyous about the pregnancy — but an AIDS test showe...

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On AIDS: Three Lessons From Africa.

An AIDS fable: Once upon a time, in the years after AIDS went from being a death sentence to a manageable disease, at least for people rich enough to take antiretroviral th...

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