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What Muslim Registry Will Look Like: #DontNormalizeHate

As we head toward Inauguration Day with a president-elect who refuses to back down on plans to create a registry of Muslim Americans, the threat of history repeating itself...

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Can Japan's ad Industry Become A Model For Gender Equality?

Shinzo Abe’s ‘womenomics’—his apparent drive to open up Japan’s workplace for women—looks set to remain a controversial topic well into ...

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Off-grid solar to help Myanmar bring electricity to all by 2030

Four feet in length, of aggressive disposition, and deadly poisonous: you don’t want to stand on a Russell’s viper in the dark. Especially if there’s no a...

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India’s Lipstick Waale Sapne wins award at Tokyo film fest

India’s Alankrita Shrivastava won The Spirit Of Asia Award for her Lipstick Waale Sapne (Lipstick Under My Burkha) at the Tokyo Intern...

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Women A Focus Of 14th SF South Asian Film Festival

3rd i: Gender issues and a celebration of women are a focus of the 14th San Francisco International South Asian Film Festival: Bollywood and Beyond, a.k.a. 3rd i. It begins...

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Japan To Face Criticism At International Summit For Flouting Whaling Ruling

Japan is likely to face international criticism at a whaling summit this week for killing whales in the Southern Ocean in defiance of a court ruling.
Japanese fleets k...

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This Year's Nobel Prize Winner's Research Could Transform Cancer Treatment

Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi, 71, won the 2016 Nobel Prize on Monday for his research on autophagy ― a metabolic recycling process in which cells eat parts of them...

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In The World’s Biggest City, The Past Offers Lessons For Surviving The Future

A major campaign, “Cool Japan”, is underway to promote the nation as a “cultural superpower”. As part of a resurgence of interest in the Edo era (th...

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Floating Solar Is A Win-Win Energy Solution For Drought-Stricken US Lakes

Installing floating solar photovoltaic arrays, sometimes called “floatovoltaics,” on a portion of these two reservoirs in the southwestern United States could p...

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New York Asian Film Festival Is Having A Southeast Asian Moment

At the New York Asian Film Festival, Asian film means movies mostly from the continent’s Big Three: Japan, South Korea and the Chinese-language cinemas of Hong Kong, ...

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