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When Will Land Rights For South Asian Women Become A Reality?

While Meghalaya’s ancient culture empowers indigenous women with land ownership, legal protections to own and manage property are missing.In Meghalaya, India’s ...

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James Cameron And Zoe Saldana - What Would The Ocean Say?

Presented by filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron and the Avatar Alliance Foundation, What Would the Ocean Say? debuted at the United Natio...

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Teenagers' Sleep Quality & Mental Health At Risk Over Late-Night Mobile Phone Use

Researchers advise ‘physical boundaries’ over devices in bedrooms after study finds poor sleep associated with phone use linked to depressed moods Teenagers&rsq...

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Global Study Finds 75% Of Pregnant Women Don't Have Healthy Weight Gain

Data from Asia, US and Europe finds 23% do not gain enough weight and more than 50% gain too much, increasing risk of premature birth and caesareans A comprehensive new stu...

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Dogs & Wolves Share Sense Of Fair Play

The sense of fair play is an important human trait, but new research suggests that it's a key behaviour for dogs and wolves as well. In tests, if one animal was given a mor...

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The Puzzling Way That Writing Heals The Body

In 1986 the psychology professor James Pennebaker discovered something extraordinary, something which would inspire a generation of researchers to conduct several hundred s...

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Therapy Could Stop Superbugs On Farms

Researchers at Leicester University have shown that it might be possible to develop an alternative to antibiotics for treating diseases in pigs. They have identified a rang...

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How Buzzing Bees Are Helping Save Themselves

At this point, most of us climate change believers are well aware of the symbiotic relationship between bees and a healthy environment. Despite their tiny stature, they pla...

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Giant Antarctic Iceberg 'Hanging By A Thread' Say Scientists

Split in the Larsen C ice shelf will release an iceberg a quarter of the size of Wales, changing the landscape of the Antarctic peninsula A giant section of an Antarctic ic...

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35% Of World's 'National Animals' Are Threatened By Extinction

The US bald eagle is doing fine. The Central American tapir of Belize? Not so much. Just about every country has a national animal, a symbol that is widely recognized and a...

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