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Breaking Europe?s Climate-Change Stalemate

Europe has a strong tradition as a leader in the fight against climate change. Lately, however, the continent has reached an ideological impasse over how to address the pro...

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Ensure resources to developing nations on climate change: India

As the global community readies to adopt an ambitious post-2015 development agenda, India has highlighted the importance of ensuring enhanced resources to developing countr...

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Climate change pushes India's poorest children into slavery - Satyarthi

Disasters resulting from climate change are pushing poor Indian families into poverty so deep that they are lured by traffickers into selling their children into bonded lab...

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Barrier Reef coral genetically altered in hope of surviving climate change

Coral species from different climes being mixed as a form of ?assisted evolution? to see if it will help them adapt more quickly to rising sea temperatures The Australian g...

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Is It Time To Take Science Out Of The Climate Change Debate?

Scientists tell us the world is warming and that a climate catastrophe is imminent. They?re probably right. Yet climate change framed by scientists, politicians and economi...

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What Would Happen To The Climate If We Stopped Emitting Greenhouse Gases Today?

Earth?s climate is changing rapidly. We know this from billions of observations, documented in thousands of journal papers and texts and summarized every few years by the U...

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Extreme Weather Displaces Far More People Than War - And It's Getting Worse

Experts warned on Thursday that governments need to prepare themselves for a growing and often overwhelming influx of migrants. The displaced won't be fleeing the horrors o...

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Animation Shows Alarming Trend in the Arctic Ocean

No, it's not an ultrasound of someone's internal organs. Its sea ice in the Arctic Ocean melting because of climate change. ?Scientists have been using satellites to monito...

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Shareholders challenge BP to confront climate change risk

Over 150 investors, including Environment Agency and Church of England, demand that BP test whether their business model is compatible with international pledge to limit gl...

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The 169 target sustainable development goals likely here to stay, says U.N.

The long list of proposed goals that will replace the Millennium Development Goals are not going to be trimmed down. Doing so would put the progress made toward reaching co...

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