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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

The project took place at the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Station, the biggest thermal power plant in the world and the energy provider for Reykjavik, Iceland's capital. U...

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Why It's So Hard To Determine If Food And Drinks Cause Cancer

On Wednesday, the WHO’s cancer research arm—the International Agency for Research on Cancer—announced it had taken coffee off its list of items considered...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

"It's a promising result," said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who was not involved in the project. "If this could be done at a l...

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CO2 Turned Into Stone In Iceland In Climate Change Breakthrough

The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2 from fossil fuel burning underground, where it cannot warm the planet. Such carbon capture and stor...

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The Best Countries For Gender Equality May Also Have A Domestic Violence Problem

The Nordic nations are frequently held up as countries that have come as close to any in creating true gender equality. Case in point, in the World Economic Forum's 2015 Ge...

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New Data From New Horizons Reveals Pure Water Ice On Pluto’s Moon Hydra

When scientists discovered a tiny moon orbiting Pluto back in 2005, they named it Hydra in keeping with the general Greco-Roman underworld theme established in the Plutonia...

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Shrinking India Is Pushing The North Pole Towards London

Groundwater levels on the Indian subcontinent have been so badly depleted by climate change, intensive irrigation and population growth that it has caused the Earth to tilt...

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Polar Bears Losing Weight As Arctic Sea Ice Melts: Study

Three decades of melting sea ice has led to significant weight loss among the world’s southernmost population of polar bears, new data from Canadian researchers sugge...

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The Rise In Sea Levels Could Be Almost Double Previous Estimates

Sea levels could rise an additional 39 inches by the end of the century — almost doubling previous estimates of the total potential increases in sea levels — du...

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Study Raises New Concern About Global Warming

A study published in Nature says global warming could disintegrate the vast ice Antarctic ice sheet sooner than originally thought. That would mean a 3-foot sea level rise ...

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