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Neuroscientists Hack Sense of Touch

Think about what it is to experience the sensation of touch. Across the vast expanse of our bodies, we are constantly touching—clothing draped on skin, shifts in air ...

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A Comic Heroine That’s Fighting The Evil Skin Whitening Industry

India’s beauty industry thrives on the country’s ugly obsession with fair complexions and skin lightening products. Prejudice against darker skinned people, esp...

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No More Khatna: Meet The Five Women Standing Against The Ritual Of Female Circumcision In India

I was browsing through Facebook while sipping chai when a video caught my attention. I hit the play button. “A cut that pierced my life…A small nick, just a pi...

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Powerful new technique reveals the mechanical environment of cells in their natural habitat, the living embryo

Whether building organs or maintaining healthy adult tissues, cells use biochemical and mechanical cues from their environment to make important decisions, such as becoming...

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Great Barrier Reef: Why Are Government And Business Perpetuating The Big Lie?

Great Barrier Reef historian Iain McCalman wrote that the new measures
“deliberately ignore the dire long-term threats to the reef that are contained i...

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Sonu Sood Raises Awareness About Skin Banking For Acid Attack Survivors

A charitable trust has invited the actor to help them organise a workshop for acid attack survivors and help them develop skills to sustain themselves.
The actor, who ...

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Microplastics Killing Fish Before They Reach Reproductive Age, Study Finds

The growing problem of microplastics – tiny particles of polymer-type materials from modern industry – has been thought for several years to be a peri...

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This Diabetes Activist Hacked Her Medical Device And Made An Artificial Pancreas

Algorithms are boring until your life depends on them. People with Type 1 diabetes use algorithms all day long. They perform mental calculations to manage their blood-sugar...

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Diversity Not All About Skin Colour, Ethnicity: Freida Pinto

For Freida Pinto, diversity is not about being "black or brown" or isn't just confined to what one sees on camera but is what goes behind it. The US-based Indian actress, w...

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Bally To Host Charity Music Night For Delete Blood Cancer DKMS In L.A.

Music lovers will surely be in heaven at Bally in Beverly Hills on Tuesday evening, when the heritage Swiss luxury brand hosts a soiree to support DKMS, the world’s l...

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