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Governance Tips from India's Children

Manisha from Siwan:
The Price We Pay for Patriarchy

For 23 years, I was a UNICEF   official. This meant children paid my salary. Chi...

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‘Fandry’ all set to create a stir at the 18th International Children’s Film Festival

Director Nagraj Manjule marks an exceptional debut with Marathi movie ‘Fandry’. Fandry is a story of a ‘Dalit’ boy trying to impress his socially su...

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Igniting Minds for a Brighter Future

Reading the newspaper has become a troubling ordeal of late. Page after

page narrates incidents of crimes against women, communal tension and cases
of corrupti...

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A new survey sponsored by POLITICO WOMEN, American University and Loyola Marymount University, finds that the last election in the United States of America, has mobil...

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It’s raining stars, ...

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