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Fighting climate change could end up costing more than dealing with its effects

Regardless of how the world’s governments choose to attempt to contain global warming at 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, it’s going to cost them....

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Communities affected by wind energy development being kept in the dark

Eddie O’Connor of Mainstream Renewable Power, writing (Irish Times, December 19th) about economic stagnation, suggests that “building a new green economy”...

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Japan to tap smart meters, fuel cells to tackle climate change

Japan plans smart meters in every residence and factory by the early 2020s and 5.3 million fuel cells in homes by 2030 to tackle climate change, according to a report to be...

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Climate-friendly investments key in sustainable development

Businesses that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, and other such agenda that help lessen climate change impact took the spotlight at a fringe event...

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Australia moves to the bottom of the list in Climate Change Performance Index

GermanWatch and Climate Action Network Europe have downgraded Australia to number 57 out of 61 countries in their latest list on Climate Change Performance.

These s...

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Largest solar plant in Japan launched by Kyocera

Kagoshima (Southern Japan) has now become home to the country’s largest solar plant.
The area is primarily known for the volcano Sakurajima, rocket launchpads an...

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UN Environment Programme states an increase in global green house gas emissions by 2020 (Emissions Gap report 2013)

The United Nations says it is “less and less likely” that global greenhouse gas emissions will be low enough by 2020 to stop the atmosphere warming beyond the i...

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UN teams with ‘Revolution’ TV show to highlight real challenges of a world without power

The fictional concept at the heart of the television series ‘Revolution’ – which picks up 15 years after the start of a worldwide blackout – is the ...

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A Possible Rebirth of the Carbon Market?

Many people have voiced pessimism over an international agreement to address climate change since the 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen fell short of expectations. The ...

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UNESCO to educate the future leaders about Sustainable Development

Billions of dollars will be invested in renewables by Norway. Read More Her...

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