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Time is running out, was said 25 years ago by World's Leading Scientists

A document called “World Scientists' Warning to Humanity” released 25 years ago, in November 1992 warned us that human beings and the natural world are on a col...

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Colombia to host The Classics – the Festival of Films that will Live Forever

Have you ever wanted to watch Sunset Boulevard on the big screen? Popcorn in your hand and glitter in your eyes. May be the Rear Window? Rebel Without...

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Homer Simpson Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame

Homer Simpson Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame

Building a list of the greatest episodes of The Simpsons is something so difficult and wrenching that it shoul...

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On The Eve Of Another Silent Anniversary

Overwhelmed by grief when my father passed away in January 1966
I did not know how to combat that empty feeling. I was just 23 years old and I had had so much to talk,...

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Beyond Janis & Jimi: The Forgotten Jams From The Summer Of Love

This summer marks the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love, which saw as many as 100,000 flower children descend on San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood to s...

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'The Villainess' To Open New York Asian Film Festival

The US premiere of Jung Byung-gil’s revenge thriller and recent Cannes Midnight screening The Villainess will close the 16th New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF), set...

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Is It Wrong To Group Together LGBT Art?

Billed as ‘the first major exhibition dedicated to queer British art’, Tate Britain's brand new show, which covers gay art from 1861 to 1967, joins a host of ot...

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Bentonville Film Festival Co-Founder Geena Davis Speaks With 5News

The third annual Bentonville Film Festival kicks off Tuesday (May 2). "I just arrived today for my film festival," an excited Geena Davis told 5NEWS. "What!? You have a fil...

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Yusuf/Cat Stevens Donates Song To PETA

Singer-songwriter Yusuf / Cat Stevens has donated his very first hit song — “I Love My Dog,” which recently marked its 50th anniversary — for PETA t...

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How Much Has Actually Changed 4 Years On From The Rana Plaza Collapse?

“Who made my clothes?” It’s a simple question, but one which many brands are still reluctant to answer and many of us are too distracted or disengaged to ...

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