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Mosaic Art to promote Healing and Well-being

Smashing a hard material to teeny bits, then putting those little shards together again in a way that is beauti...

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Volunteers to add overlooked Stories of Women to Wikipedia

Our culture has a glaring tendency to elevate the achievements of men over the achievements of women. In fact, ...

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David Bowie: An Avid Reader

For a man who left Bromley Technical High School with just one 'O' level (in art), David Bowie ended up a remar...

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Hong Kong turns into a City of Song

Hongkong is a metropolis known for its skyscrapers and unique international living culture. There are some amazing events that should be add...

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Equal Pay is not just about Money, it is about Esteem.

There's a history attached to gender discrimination at the workplace as a result of failed political manoeuvres and unfair wage practices. O...

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Saudi eases Strict rules on Gender Separation

Saudi Arabia, under domestic and international pressure to grant women sporting rights, is creating separate stadium sections so that femal...

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HELLI, a Smart Helmet that can save Precious Lives on the Road

Here’s a lifesaving idea which has now been turned into a reality, thanks to the really innovative techies at Let’s Innovate. This smart hel...

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The Writing is on the Wall

The year 2017 will go down in the history of the media and entertainment industries of the world as one, which was the most disruptive ever....

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Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Muppet Christmas Carol

The Muppets are just adorable, aren't they? And what's more adorable about them is their much-beloved Christmas classic, The Muppet Christmas Carol. There have bee...

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Of Queer Crooners

Every artistic creation is always a reaction to, and a direct product of the time it is made in; simultaneously being a comment on, and of the era. The same is true for the...

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