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In 2000, the UN set eight goals that changed the world. They expire in 2015, what next?


Although it was several years ago, I still remember how Melinda and I felt when we learned about the Millennium Development Goals. We were ho...

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15th Mumbai Film Festival Enthrals on Day Six

Mumbai, October 22, 2013: Festival audiences were treated to a feast of exciting films on Day 6 of the 15th Mumbai Film Festival presented by Re...

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The Curious Case of The Dogs in The Highrise Towers

It’s been since 1989 in one of the upper end high middle class towers in Mumbai, where I have resided on and off over the years, that I have shared a sort of secret l...

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Day 4 of the 15th Mumbai Film Festival Enchants All

Mumbai, October 20, 2013: Coupled with the spectacular lineup of films, the weekend brought in huge numbers on Day 4 of the 15th edition of the ...

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With the compulsion of corporate social responsibility, experts are predicting a 50% hike in jobs as companies strive to employ the best talent to outperform the competition

Compulsory corporate social responsibility is likely to increase the demand for professionals in this field by as much as 50 percent in the coming years and the industry is...

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With over 400 people being rescued just south of Sicily in 2 days, the Mediterranean Migrant Crisis is worse than it has ever been, with government officials going as far as to call the Mediterranean a ‘cemetery’

Italy and Malta pressed European partners on Saturday to do more to stop a migrant crisis which the Maltese prime minister said was turning the Mediterranean into a “...

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Bill Gates Talks To Author Of “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” Katherine Boo

Bill Gates: How did you pick the particular slum and the people that you profiled in the book?

Katherine Boo: Although I’d been spending time in slums all ove...

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John Day Review

There has emerged a relatively new breed of cinema lately, the corruption thriller. Veering away from the highly dramatized and sensationalized, which is the bread and butt...

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Is America Disinventing Human Rights? By Professor Alemayehu G Mariam

In his 1981 farewell speech, President Jimmy Carter said, “America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense, it is the other way round. Human rights invented...

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Courting' controversy

India has been witnessing a rising trend of judicial intervention and directives in cases involving a face-off between large institutional project...

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