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“The next time you have oral sex or masturbate, know that you are committing a crime. The section 377 criminalizes all except penis-vaginal sex. Think about it. And i...

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Wars Need to be Won on the Inside

Life caged her, death came and freed her!

She radiated hope like a diamond, forever shining, smiling, affecting people with her sense of courage and love for living...

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Reaching out beyond the screen

Television has ceased to be the idiot box, it is now more than just a medium of entertainment; we cannot override it as a medium of social influence.  Anita, a 38 year...

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A paradigm shift taking place in Indian Politics reflects that a time has come for the politician to deliver what has been promised to the voter, or else he will be shown t...

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True Review:Television

The first day of the last month of the year 2013, NDTV telecast a day long telethon Our Girls Our Pride. A soul stirring initiative, indeed. It was a most eye-opening telec...

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Empowering Women: Reaching a Helping Hand Across the ‘Pioneer Gap’

Women’s financial empowerment has been a hot topic in recent months. There’s a Read More

Timing of Baby’s First Solids May Affect Allergy Risk

Breast-feeding exclusively for 4 to 6 months, and introducing solid foods while breast-feeding continues, may be a good way to reduce the risk for food allergies in childre...

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Truth or Dare…? The Alchemy of Desire Deconstructed

I am completely compelled and driven by an intense need to write this piece because I’m no longer now, able to be in denial of the force driving me to give some persp...

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Reality TV star Kim Kardashian is selling her clothes on eBay to help raise money for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan

The ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ star has put a selection of items on the auction site in order to raise money for the non-profit organisation Internationa...

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Polio outbreak creates a stir in the Syrian Arab Republic

The confirmation of about thirteen cases of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) has created
waves of tension in the Syrian Arab Republic. Similar strains have also been iden...

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