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UNICEF: “Children living through conflict are hardly guaranteed their Rights.”

UNICEF said the future of millions of children living in Nigeria and other countries affected by armed conflict were at risk, as warring partie...

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Onsite testing of Drugs can help reduce drug-related deaths in Music Festivals

Hospital admissions down 95 percent after onsite drug testing at a festival in Cambridgeshire. According to a first of its kind academic study,...

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Wizard of Oz, the Most Influential Film of All Times

New research suggests that the film world has never been the same after Wizard of Oz, the most influential film ...

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The Life of Germaine Greer, the Australian Writer from the Second-wave Feminist Movement

Former celebrated feminist Germaine Greer is no stranger to controversy. An Australian writer and public intellectual, she ...

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Rapp vs Russia

These days, a popular fictional character does not die when his (or her) creator does; so when Vince Flynn, writer of bestselling political thr...

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UK’s Human Rights Watchdog supports de-medicalising of the Gender Recognition Process

According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, a person wishing to change gender doesn’t require a gender recognition certificate...

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#MeToo Movement in India

On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hash tag #MeToo, in an attempt to draw attention to s...

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It is Guilt and not Housework that’s harming your Health!

According to a recent analysis by the International Social Survey Programme, guilt over not doing enough housework may have a serious ...

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Living in the Troll Age

Fifty years ago, the internet was used as a medium to communicate between two individuals.  Over time, it ...

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Physically Challenged but Mentally Strong

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.  - Scott Hamilton

When you hear the term &ls...

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