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France Becomes The First Country To Ban Plastic Plates And Cutlery

France has apparently become the first country in the world to ban plastic plates, cups and utensils, passing a law that will go into effect in 2020. Exceptions will be all...

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Bill And Melinda Gates Foundations Sunset Claus Is To Ensure That Inequality Is Reduced In This Generation

We are often asked why Bill and Melinda Gates and foundation trustee Warren Buffett have pledged to give away more than 95% of their wealth. Indeed, it can be difficult to ...

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Climbers Prepare For Clean-Up Mission On Mount Everest

The government of Nepal and Everest expedition organisers have launched a clean-up operation at 21,000ft to remove rubbish left on the world’s highest peak after a se...

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This Low-Cost Robot Designed By Mumbai Students Could Clean Up The Pollution In India’s Rivers

With water pollution continuing to be a major environmental threat to the nation, a group of determined students have developed a unique robot that may hold the key to solv...

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Denmark Reduces Food Waste By 25% In Five Years With The Help Of One Woman - Selina Juul

In the past five years Denmark has become one of the leading European countries in the fight against food waste Never underestimate the power of one dedicated individual. A...

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TFW The Radioactive Garbage From Your Lab Turns Out To Be A Potential Cancer Treatment

There's an old adage that one person's trash is another person's treasure. Take the case of a Canadian physics lab that realized the radioactive waste it had been stockpili...

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Hundreds Of Whales Die In Mass Stranding On New Zealand Beach

Rescuers are trying to save dozens of whales after a mass stranding on a New Zealand beach thought to be the largest in decades. The Department of Conservation (DOC) discov...

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The Eco Guide To Good Plastic

Cruel, but I had no choice. If we carry on creating and consuming plastic as we are now, and hoping that trainer innovation will do the heavy lifting (it won’t), by 2...

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Chennai Folks, If You Have Any Fresh Food Going Waste, This Man Can Feed It To The Homeless

A G Padmanaban is literally on a one man mission – to ensure no one goes hungry in the city of Chennai. The 23-year-old has launched a project called “No Food Waste,”...

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A Chocolate Candy Aims To Make The World Think About Hunger

It is a very attractive truffle.It's made of the usual ingredients — cocoa butter, sugar, chocolate — with a not-so-typical addition. Thirty grams of dried toma...

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