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Orcas Are First Non-Humans Whose Evolution Is Driven By Culture

You could call it a culture shock. Many researchers accept that cultural experiences have helped shape human evolution – and evidence has now emerged that the same ma...

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Stonehenge, Easter Island, Venice: Climate Change Will Destroy Human History

Cultural heritage sites are beacons of our remarkable legacy as a species. They’re as diverse and complex as humanity itself, which is why UNESCO has designated 802 o...

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Kaleidoscope - From A Child’s Heart

It has been observed that more often than not books for or about kids have a male protagonist.  Two recent books buck that trend and have girls leading-- and very inte...

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Humans Risk Killing Off One-In-Five of All Plant Species

Twenty-one percent of the world’s plant species—essential to food and medicine supplies—are threatened with extinction, according to a report published Tu...

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Twenty Percent Of The World's Plants Could Go Extinct — And It's Not Just From Climate Change

With the human population fast approaching 8 billion, human beings are leveling forests, clearing savannas, and transforming entire landscapes to make way for industrial-sc...

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Kaleidoscope - Glimpses Of Kabul

Western women who do not have to live under oppressive conditions in strictly patriarchal countries like Afghanistan tend to romantisize the country's beauty and the nobili...

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How Dwindling Fish Stocks Get A Reprieve

“My wife told me to sell the boats,” says Brad Pettinger, a longtime trawl fisherman in the Pacific Northwest. “But I said, honey, who’s gonna buy t...

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The Future Of The Frog Looks Bleak; Unless Humans Change

Amphibians, the oldest group of land vertebrates, are regarded as themost threatened across the globe. From Brazil’s tropical rain forests, to Canada’s temperat...

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Honeybees Suffer Learning Difficulties After Ingesting Tiny Quantities Of Pesticides, Study Finds

Honeybees can suffer from “severe” learning difficulties and memory problems after ingesting tiny quantities of a type of pesticide, new research indicates. Bee...

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World Wildlife Day 2016: 15 Ways To Save Earth’s Animals And Plants

Thursday marks World Wildlife Day, which the 68th session of the United Nations General Assemblydesignated as a time to celebrate and raise awareness of the planet’s ...

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