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35% Of World's 'National Animals' Are Threatened By Extinction

The US bald eagle is doing fine. The Central American tapir of Belize? Not so much. Just about every country has a national animal, a symbol that is widely recognized and a...

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A Gay Vulture Couple Hatched A Chick Together. They Proved 'They Can Do It'

A gay vulture couple has hatched a baby chick at a Dutch zoo, marking a momentous milestone for the lovebirds that had been trying to start a family for months, their caret...

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The Conflict Within: Parsis And Gender Rights

India’s vulture crisis, which started in the 1980s, caused the Parsi Zoroastrian community to reconsider one of its practices. Traditionally, the community does not b...

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Noise Pollution Is Drowning Out Nature Even In Protected Areas: Study

Human noises are often 10 times that of background levels, impairing our enjoyment of natural parks and impacting animal behaviour, scientists have found The sounds of the ...

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Streets Paved With Gloom

 A few years ago, there was a huge wave of workers going from Kerala to the Gulf countries in search of better prospects. It would not ...

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Newt Sandwich For A Baby Bird

Through french windows framed by flowering clematis, I saw a blackbird touch down on the lawn. Leaning even as it landed, its beak led it in a pitter-patter metre-dash for ...

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Identity Of Famous Baby Dinosaur Fossil Revealed

The fossil of a baby dinosaur discovered in China more than 25 years ago has formally been identified as a new species of feathered dinosaur. The hatchling, dubbed Baby Lou...

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Sometimes The Best Way To Make Change Is To Make Trouble

We decided to go to Malta because we were fed up with the inactivity from NGOs about the endless trapping and killing of migratory birds there. We first went four years ago...

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17 Western Ghats Have Smaller Ranges Than What Experts Estimated

Birds endemic to the biodiverse Western Ghats appear to be in greater danger than they were thought to be, because the range of places they live in may have been overestima...

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More Antartic Protections Urged On #WorldPenguinDay

The world needs to do more to protect the Antarctic wilderness and its wildlife, scientists warned Tuesday, as they marked World Penguin Day. The flightless seabirds -- a f...

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