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Chinese Appetite For Totoaba Fish Bladder Kills Off Rare Porpoise

Only 30 vaquita are left in Gulf of California as pirate fishermen net them when fishing for highly valued totoaba maws The world’s rarest marine mammal is on the ver...

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Newt Sandwich For A Baby Bird

Through french windows framed by flowering clematis, I saw a blackbird touch down on the lawn. Leaning even as it landed, its beak led it in a pitter-patter metre-dash for ...

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10 Selfish Reasons To Save Elephants

Elephants can help humans live longer, healthier, happier lives. Help them, and we help ourselves It sometimes feels as if we are living in the elephant’s darkest hou...

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New Robotic Fish For Environmental Monitoring

A group of researchers from Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR CSIC-UPM) in collaboration with researchers from University of Florence are designing autonomous underwa...

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A Pinprick To Detect Cancer

While the humble blood test has for long been the touchstone to catch diabetes, malaria and HIV, companies are now drawing on knowledge from human genetics to make blood te...

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Why Do Fish Not Deserve Their Reputation For Forgetfulness

Fish have a reputation for being gormless and forgetful, but they can "count", navigate a maze and even remember faces There is something fishy about our attitude to fish. ...

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Nestle, Mars Vow To Clean Up Pet Food Supply Chain

The move by the world’s two largest pet food companies puts pressure on suppliers to end labour abuses.Swiss food giant Nestlé SA and US candy and pet food com...

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More Antartic Protections Urged On #WorldPenguinDay

The world needs to do more to protect the Antarctic wilderness and its wildlife, scientists warned Tuesday, as they marked World Penguin Day. The flightless seabirds -- a f...

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Date With Marine Life

Flanked by the Arabian sea on one side and flush with lakes, rivers and ponds, Thiruvananthapuram has been blessed with an abundance of water bodies. However, not many of u...

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London Residents Overlooked By Tate Modern Extension Suing Gallery For Breach Of Human Rights

Residents in a block of multi-million pound flats overlooked by a Tate Modern viewing platform are suing the gallery, arguing that their human rights are being breached by ...

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