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Orcas Are First Non-Humans Whose Evolution Is Driven By Culture

You could call it a culture shock. Many researchers accept that cultural experiences have helped shape human evolution – and evidence has now emerged that the same ma...

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This Diabetes Activist Hacked Her Medical Device And Made An Artificial Pancreas

Algorithms are boring until your life depends on them. People with Type 1 diabetes use algorithms all day long. They perform mental calculations to manage their blood-sugar...

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SpaceX Is Already Working On Legal Approval For Its 2018 Mars Flight

I’ve been to the Humans to Mars Summit, an annual conference thrown by Explore Mars about speeding up human colonization of the Red Planet, a few times. It’s al...

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Beano For Bovines: Here's How Researchers Are Cutting Methane Emissions From Cows

Just as people plagued by flatulence have turned to diets and supplements for relief, scientists are seeking a cure for belching — and sometimes farting — cows....

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Humans Risk Killing Off One-In-Five of All Plant Species

Twenty-one percent of the world’s plant species—essential to food and medicine supplies—are threatened with extinction, according to a report published Tu...

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Humans Care More About Climate Change if They Know They're Responsible

Climate change denial is still a huge problem among elected representatives, to say nothing of the general populace, and even when our elected leaders do try to act to comb...

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Space-Grown Mouse Embryos Are a Step Toward Human Colonization

Chinese scientists are creeping a tiny bit closer to the future dream of humans colonizing and reproducing in space.
They’ve succeeded, reports the Chinese ...

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The Future Of The Frog Looks Bleak; Unless Humans Change

Amphibians, the oldest group of land vertebrates, are regarded as themost threatened across the globe. From Brazil’s tropical rain forests, to Canada’s temperat...

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Resistant Is Gender Equality A Design Problem?

Simple redesigns of working life can make big differences in helping women overcome institutional biases. Because humans are naturally biased—we evolved to use stereo...

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What Some 'Radical Conservationists' Think

Humans started drawing animals the moment they started killing them. The earliest recorded artworks—paintings on the cave walls of Lascaux in southern France—ar...

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