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Malala Yousafzai To Speak At Forbes' Under 30 Summit

Forbes Media announced today new participants for the first-ever Under 30 Summit, which will bring together more than 1,000 young entrepreneurs and game changers from aroun...

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Whooping cough vaccine safe for pregnant women

Pregnant women in their third trimester can safely receive the whooping cough vaccine to prevent infections in newborns, a recent study from the UK suggests. Whooping cough...

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10 reasons to be hopeful that we will overcome climate change

From action in China and the US to falling solar costs and rising electric car sales, there is cause to be hopeful For the last few months, carbon dioxide concentrations in...

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In India, the rate of children dying in accidents has improved slightly in a decade

They are most likely to die from drowning, building collapses and traffic accidents. Ten years after a fire killed 94 school children in Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu, India&rsq...

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Comic-Con Takes Over San Diego For A Cause

Celebrities, fans and costumed Super Heroes invaded San Diego on July 23-27, 2014, for the annual Comic-Con convention, which draws nearly 200,000 people every year.What mo...

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New collaboration opens doors for economic security for women

Greenfield Community College and area women’s and domestic violence resource advocacy groups are partnering to empower at-risk women in transition in Franklin County....

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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Condemns Attack On School In Gaza

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today he is “appalled” by the news of an attack on a United Nations-run school in Gaza where hundreds of people had taken ...

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DiCaprio raises $25million at French charity gala

Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio has raised more than $25 million (18 million euros) at a charity gala in France for his foundation which aims at protecting the environment...

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33,000 girls vaccinated against cervical cancer

More than 33,000 girls aged nine to 13 have been vaccinated against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) to protect them from cervical cancer in the country. The beneficiaries w...

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The World Health Organization gives China a glowing report for its lowering of infant and maternal mortality rates FANS of the China model frequently say that, for all the ...

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