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Brush with controversy

Khalid Mohamed recalls the needless controversy stirred up by a M.F.Husain artwork of Lord Ganesha, although his canvases, lim...

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Whose Bollywood is it anyway?

Vinta Nanda disagrees with Kangana Ranaut’s rants on national television, which cleverly camouflage political mischief.<...

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Ways of seeing Mumbai

A photo-essay by Megh Bhavsar on the city as perceived through the eye of his camera. Text Edited by: Khalid Mohamed <...

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Seema Kohli: From the canvas of her life and art

Aparajita Krishna deep dives to Seema Kohli’s work and brings to you her thoughts, which influence her art.

Life’s a beach!

A photo-feature by Megh Bhavsar on the hidden beaches of Mumbai.

Text: Khalid Moh...

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Wedding Photography: In a state of limbo

Photographer Vatsal Shah, writes on the drastic downturn in the industry of professional photography in the time of the corona...

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Framed: Film Editor Ballu Saluja

Aparajita Krishna, writer and filmmaker, profiles the much accomplished editor Ballu Saluja in...

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Those Placid Waters

Humra  Quraishi tells another heartbreaking shortstory, set in Kashmir, where the blur between who is the enemy and who i...

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The Standoff: Pataal Lok and Contagion

Vinta Nanda writes about how we process these times when the movies are advancing our future.

No place to hide

Humra  Quraishi writes this short story about a brother, who comes visiting his sister to...

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