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Shoppers Must Use Their Purchasing Power To Lead Green Products Revolution

Whenever the battle against toxic chemicals makes headlines, it’s usually linked to huge, sprawling disasters like Flint’s poisoned water or BPA-laden plastics ...

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Make 'US' Your Priority: CRY Shares Appeal On Behalf Of Children

This Children's Day, the underprivileged children make an appeal to the state and the society to empower them through providing good education, health care and fighting the...

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Special Rapporteur To UN: Bring Labour Rights And Human Rights Together

The state is the only force large enough to defend workers’ rights from big business, so why is it so often batting for the wrong team? Maina Kiai: I think the state ...

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3 Tips To Design Tax Policies For Healthier Diets

When using taxes to promote healthier diets, policymakers are faced with considerations such as what products to tax, what type of tax to implement and what substitutes or ...

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What We Learned About The Global Burden Of Disease?

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, observed that knowledge is power and information is liberating. Indeed, the collection, analysis and dissemi...

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WHO Calls For Higher Taxes On Sugary Drinks

The World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries on Tuesday to raise taxes on sugary drinks it blames for fuelling global epidemics of obesity and diabetes, saying this ...

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Danny Glover Hits Out At Racism

The international community must increase its commitment to fighting Afrophobia and discrimination against people of African descent, United Nations Children’s Fund (...

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UN Committee May Again Consider Listing Great Barrier Reef As 'In Danger'

As a condition of UNESCO not listing the Great Barrier Reef as “in danger” in 2015, the World Heritage Committee said Australia needed to report back to the com...

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The World Bank Should Champion Human Rights

Much of the evidence supporting the emerging consensus that strong human rights safeguards promote and enhance development has come out of research from the World Bank. Yet...

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World No Tobacco Day 2016: WHO Appeals For Plain Packaging Of Tobacco Products.

The World No Tobacco Day is observed on May 31 every year, and this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for governments across the world to enact policies ...

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