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Attention Must Be Paid (Not To Climate Change)

A bombshell dropped the other day. But if nobody heard it explode, did that make it a dud?
This is from a news story on Thursday: “We are not saying this is defi...

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Empty Promises And Dead Children

Buried among the 169 targets contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – adopted by the United Nations last September amid a blaze of glitzy events, celeb...

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Mumbai HPV Vaccine Proven To Dramatically Reduce Infection Among Teenage Girls

Since its introduction in 2006, the HPV vaccine has sharply cut the rate of infection in young women, a new study published on Pediatrics reports.The American Academy of Pe...

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Experience The Milky Way In High Resolution Over Multiple Wavelengths

About 90 percent of the global population lives north of the equator, so it’s no wonder that the Southern Hemisphere often gets short-shift. But when it comes to stun...

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Scaling 200+ & the Sixer

This piece by Dr Sandeep Goyal, in which he evaluates sixers, 200+ scores and their significance to broadcasters, marketers an...

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Maternal Mortality Declining But Still Above Goal

Maternal mortality rates have dropped substantially over the past quarter century but still are not declining fast enough to meet ambitious international goals for eradicat...

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Maternal Mortality On A Decline, But Challenges Remain

The number of women dying during pregnancy, childbirth or within six weeks after birth has fallen by 44 per cent since 1990, say United Nations agencies, including the...

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Measuring The Millennium Development Goals: Cutting Maternal Deaths

Becoming a mother in sub-Saharan Africa is more dangerous than climbing Mount Everest. In Chad, the odds of dying during pregnancy or childbirth are one in 15; in Sierra Le...

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How Street Plays & Theatre Are Raising The Curtain On Violence Against Women In UP

Domestic violence, sexual harassment and dowry cases are not really news in the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. But a few compassionate activists and organizations are taking...

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Meena Kumari - A Legend

Meena Kumari’s rags to riches saga has a poignant edge to it. Dubbedthe greatest tragedienne of the Indian screen, her doomed personal life flashing with deep tragedy...

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