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Too much sun could make you a UV addict, raise cancer risk

It is common knowledge that exposure to sunlight helps the skin synthesise vitamin D. But at the same time prolonged exposure can also lead to skin cancer. The degree to wh...

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Agra bans plastic bags to curb pollution

With an aim to curb the rising pollution in Yamuna, the Agra district administration has decided to strictly implement the ban on use of polythene in the city. For the same...

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Patrick Dempsey Partners With CrowdMed To Help Solve Difficult Medical Cases

Crowd Med, an online crowd sourced medical diagnosis platform that helps solve even the world’s most difficult medical cases, has announced that actor Patrick Dempsey...

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CO2 emissions in ASEAN from transport sector will double by 2050, warns energy agency

If the International Energy Agency (IEA) is to be believed, the amount of carbon emissions from transport in ASEAN nations will double by 2050. At the same time, carbon emi...

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Scientists make DNA barcode of malaria parasite

An international team of researchers led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom, has identified segments in the DNA of malaria-causing parasi...

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New York City Kids Get Their Game On With Cristiano Ronaldo

The highly anticipated FIFA World Cup in Brazil is only a day away, but the world’s best soccer player of 2013 and Save the Children’s artist ambassador, Cristi...

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Will global polio eradication miss yet another deadline?

When the world embarked on polio eradication 26 years back, the goal was to complete that task by the year 2000. That target was not met, nor did the two deadlines set afte...

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Hindi media should do away with preconceptions and stubbornness : Mrinal Pande

Mrinal Pande, veteran journalist, author and TV personality was honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award at Red Ink Awards 2014. In her acceptance speech, Pande said that i...

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Marketers look beyond traditional mix as rural consumers flex muscles

With the Modi Government at the Centre, there is a buoyancy seen in the market. The expectation of ‘achche din’ extends beyond urban areas, with the rural hinte...

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Number of HIV cases among expectant mothers decline

With increase in public awareness, more and more women are going for HIV test every year. At the same time, the number of women testing positive for HIV in district is decl...

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