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Need for Clear and Concrete Mechanisms for reducing Air Pollution

According to the World Health Organization, India has nine of the world’s 10 most polluted cities, with hazardous urban smoke. ...

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Airports across India to be free of single-use Plastics

Plastic has become a part of our everyday life, no matter how much we deny it. Among them, the single-use plastic contributes to our day-day su...

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Home and Heart

Reading Barbara Kingsolver’s Unsheltered, the thought that passes through the mind is: there but for the grace of...

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Human Rights News Stories from 2018

From discrimination of LGBT to drugs – human rights issues and stories have never grown old. Every day, we hear issues related to human r...

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At COP24 in Poland, Countries come together to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement

The United Nations COP24 two-week climate change conference had gathered almost 200 parties in Katowice, Poland on t...

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Access to better Health-care Facilities can reduce 71% of Neonatal deaths in India

According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) ‘Survive and Thrive’ report...

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Spare a thought for Lakhs of Unemployed Single-screen Cinema Workers of Bollywood City

As many as two lakh cinema workers - ushers, projectionists, ticket counter clerks, especially – have been rendered unemployed in the las...

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Surviving Mumbai – Ten years after the Attacks of 26/11

India marks its tenth anniversary of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks which took place in Mumbai. 26/11 is indeed a day to be remembe...

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Technology, a Key Driver to close Gender-gap at Workplace

Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advan...

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Will Life ever return to Normal for these Families displaced by War in Yemen?

Yemen is the world’s single largest humanitarian crisis. Hunger is constant. The besieged port city of Hodeida in Yemen has bec...

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