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Thames Water Hit With Record £20m Fine For Huge Sewage Leaks

Massive fine reflects change in sentencing as previously low penalties failed to deter water firms from polluting England’s rivers and beaches Thames Water has been h...

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Varanasi: A Journey Beyond The Within

The first impression of this “holy” city were singular moments of “unholiness” tied together by exasperation and a tense feeling of confusion. As we...

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India Fast-Tracks Kashmir Hydro Projects That Could Affect Pakistan Water Supplies

India has fast-tracked hydropower projects worth $15bn in Kashmir in recent months, three federal and state officials said, ignoring warnings from Islamabad that power stat...

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Shell Is Abandoning Canada’s Oilsands

In a move that might be indicative of flagging international confidence in the Canadian Oil sands, Shell has announced it will exit most of its oil extraction projects in A...

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This Village By Ganga Nurtures Jawans

The Abdul Hamid Bridge, named after the 1965 war’s Param Vir Chakra awardee, transports people beyond the Ganga and towards Gahmar. If the vast expanse of the river m...

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David Attenborough Attacks Plan For Borneo Bridge That Threatens Orangutans

Endangered pygmy elephants and orangutans threatened by scheme for Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary David Attenborough and Steve Backshall have joined conservationists and c...

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150 Films, 50 Bands Showcased At Richmond International Film Festival

Richmond doesn’t need to be the next Austin – or Portland – though both cities have inspiring qualities. Look around, and the River City is already giving...

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Wanted: Content For Change

Back in the 1990s, I was at a lesser known Irani bakery in Pune; other than the famous Shrewsbury biscuits, this one was also famous for bread rolls. My aunt made several v...

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'Extraordinary' Levels Of Pollutants Found In 10km Deep Mariana Trench

Presence of manmade chemicals in most remote place on planet shows nowhere is safe from human impact, say scientists Scientists have discovered “extraordinary” ...

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Women In Gangotri Are Building Their Own Road & Won’t Vote Unless Political Parties Help Them!

Women from villages all over Uttarakhand have been making their voices heard through Uttarakhand Mahila Manch, an all-woman organisation.According to a report by The Times ...

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