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Modern-Day Slavery

The National Crime Agency of the UK reports revealed that a subtle form of slavery is rampant across the country even today, and is ‘far more prevalent than thought e...

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World Breastfeeding Week – Sustaining Together

The World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is celebrated annually from 1st to 7th August with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and in tu...

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About Time: A Need To Quell Victimising Child Artistes

The drama realm of the Indian cinema and the reality shows have long been churning out massive profits plus harboring TRPs and a dedicated viewership owing to the child art...

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Did Children Build The Ancient City Of Amarna?

New evidence from Akhenaten’s capital suggests that a ‘disposable’ workforce of children and teenagers provided much of the labour for the city’s co...

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Teenagers' Sleep Quality & Mental Health At Risk Over Late-Night Mobile Phone Use

Researchers advise ‘physical boundaries’ over devices in bedrooms after study finds poor sleep associated with phone use linked to depressed moods Teenagers&rsq...

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Can Mindfulness Reduce Fear Of Labour & Postpartum Depression

Anxiety about labour – and what might come afterwards – causes stress for expectant mothers and increases risk in childbirth. But there could be a natural solut...

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Decriminalising Sex Work Is At The Frontier Of Workers Rights

It's been called the oldest profession in the world, but despite centuries of labor sex work still gets a bad rap. Whether or not you agree that sex work should or shouldn'...

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Sustainable Development Goal On Energy (SDG7) & The World Bank Group

Access to clean, modern, sustainable energy is critical for improving the health and livelihoods of billions of people around the world. There is growing evidence linking s...

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Mysterious 'Cold Spot' In Space Could Be A Parallel Universe

A mysterious cold spot in space might be evidence of a parallel universe. Scientists have long been looking for an explanation for the strange, dark area in the cosmic micr...

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Seventieth World Health Assembly Opens In Geneva

In her final opening address to the World Health Assembly as Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan offered some advice to delegates "as you continue to shape the future of thi...

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