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Extreme hot temperatures increasing despite global warming hiatus claims

Extremely hot temperatures over land have dramatically and unequivocally increased in number and area despite claims that the rise in global average temperatures has slowed...

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British Floods, California Drought: A Connection?

This winter, weather reports have been full of extremes. California, for instance, has had the driest year in 119 years of recordkeeping, with the Sierra snowpack less than...

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Climate Change This Week: Magma Mania, Dirty Fuel Dealer, and More!

How unusual has the weather been? No one event is “caused” by climate change, but global warming, which is predicted to increase unusual, extreme weather, is ha...

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Deaths caused by heat will rise to average of 7,000 a year in 2050

The number of deaths caused by extreme heat in the UK will more than treble by the middle of the century as a result of climate change and population growth, experts have s...

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Heat-related deaths will rise 257% by 2050 because of climate change

An elderly couple enjoy an ice cream on Brighton Pier in the summer heatwave of 2013. Heat-related deaths are expected to rise by 2050, as global warming causes temperature...

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Runner reaches finish line after thousand-mile charity journey

After six brutal weeks of running in mostly subzero temperatures, Rich Lucchese caught a break on Saturday.

It was a balmy 48 degrees as he wrapped up his six-month...

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No relief for Earth’s warming trend in 2013, studies find

The average temperature of Earth maintained its warming trend in 2013, despite seasonal and regional variations that included a shrinking ice cap in the Arctic and a massiv...

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Reading The Tea Leaves: Impact Of Climate Change On Worlds Favourite Drink

A team of researchers will examine how climate change affects the concentration of chemical compounds that are responsible for tea’s stimulant, sensory and healthful ...

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Climate change: The case of the missing heat

The biggest mystery in climate science today may have begun, unbeknownst to anybody at the time, with a subtle weakening of the tropical trade winds blowing across the Paci...

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Climate change rattles mental health of Inuit in Labrador

Researchers studying the mental health and well-being of Inuit populations in coastal Labrador say rising temperatures are having damaging psychological effects on people i...

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