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School students increase green cover by ‘seed-bombing’ Bihar

School children in Bihar are taking initiative in “seed-bombing” their surroundings in order to reverse the fast depleting green-co...

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Philippines celebrates differences through Grand Peace Festival

On 15th February, a grand peace festival was organized under the theme of “We are One for Peace to Attain Sustainable Development...

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All-gender bathrooms in support of gender diversity

The access to bathrooms seems to be the most visible battle in today’s society for the transgender. People who identify as transgender su...

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Well-behaved women rarely make history

Mona Ambegaonkar is an Indian film and television actress. She has featured in over 15 plays, 18 feature films, 38 T...

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Cigarette Butts are not just killing you, but the Environment too

Plastics are finally being recognised as the major pollutant in use and have resulted in ban in many countries as of now. Yet another, bigger p...

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#FireFightingSexism: Firefighters tell little girl, “Don’t let gender stand in the way!”

The so called stereotype of having only men for certain jobs has never gone down. The trending hash tag #FireFightingSexism ha...

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The unheard voices: Sexual abuse of boys barely addressed

According to a global study, sexual abuse of boys is “barely addressed” by the laws in many countries. The study was developed by t...

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Airports across India to be free of single-use Plastics

Plastic has become a part of our everyday life, no matter how much we deny it. Among them, the single-use plastic contributes to our day-day su...

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Bomba Estéreo: A Colombian band that performs to make a Difference

The Grammy nominated Columbian band Bomba Estéreo’ stands out for the way they combine elements of nature...

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Slow and Sustainable Fashion

Clothes shopping used to be an occasional event. It happened just a couple of times in a year. But few years ago, clothes became cheaper, trend...

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