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It May Be Even Worse For The Polar Bears Than Previously Thought

Because of an increase in heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, polar bear habitats are likely to see severe declines in sea ice extent by mid-century, which could lead to...

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Rising Temperatures Are Squishing Bumblebee Habitats.

Climate change is putting the pinch on bumblebee habitats, says a study published today in the journal Science. As atmospheric temperatures have risen, wild bumblebees in N...

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Exxon Knew Of Human Role In Climate Change In 1981, Then Funded Denial

Exxon deliberately deceived the public about the human impact on climate change for nearly three decades, launching its campaign to deliberately spread misinformation years...

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Inter-Religious March In Rome Demands Action On Climate Change

Several thousand Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and Moslems marched through Rome to the Vatican on Sunday to demand action on climate change and thank Pope...

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Barack Obama Interviews British Naturalist David Attenborough On Climate Change

US President Barack Obama has lamented the slow progress in combating the threat posed by climate change as he discussed global warming and pressing environmental issues wi...

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The EPA Outlines Our Choices On Global Warming: Moderate Disaster Or Major Disaster.

This week, the EPA released a major report that tried to tally up the specific benefits to the United States if the whole world took action on climate change. Fewer deaths ...

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Climate For Change: Our Action Plan To Save The Future

Fine intentions will mean nothing if Australia does not do more. That, ultimately, is up to us all. We must get that message through to our leaders. A climate for change is...

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Climate Activists Occupy Tate Modern In Dramatic Protest Over BP Sponsorship Of The Arts

On Saturday, activists occupied Tate Modern and staged a 25-hour “textual intervention” at the museum’s Turbine Hall to protest against Tate’s ongoi...

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Explosive Intervention By Pope Francis Set To Transform Climate Change Debate

The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ?tyrannical? exploitation of nature by mankind...

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Don't Care About Climate Change? What About The Health Of Children?

Climate change is not just an urgent environmental issue; it is having a devastating effect on health. Doctors for the Environment Australia?s (DEA) latest report finds tha...

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