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Scientists Used A Little Bee Puppet To Teach Real Bees How To Play Bee ‘Soccer’

Scientists have been able to teach bees to do all kinds of things, like tug on a rope or count to four. But so far these skills have largely fallen into the realm of what s...

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Indian Short Film, Aaba Wows Audiences At The 67th Berlin Film Festival 2017; Brings Home The Prestigious Award

Mumbai, February 20, 2017: Indian filmmakers never cease to amaze the global audience with their storytelling and filmmaking skills. As the Berlin Film Festival drew to a c...

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How 5 Friends Turned An Abandoned House In Kolkata Into A Unique Café For The LGBTQ Community

On the last Sunday of January, a motley crew gathered at a recently renovated house in Kolkata’s Jadavpur area. At first sight, you might have dismissed it as just an...

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This Futuristic Cap Lets People With Paralysis Communicate

It’s a patient’s worst nightmare: They’re paralyzed from an accident or disease, and slowly, even the ability to signal by blinking is taken from them. It...

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Indian Women Seeing Abortions Beyond 20 Weeks Face Desperate Legal Struggles

On Monday, the Supreme Court allowed a woman from Mumbai who is 24 weeks pregnant to have an abortion because her foetus had anancephaly – a life threatening conditio...

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For The First Time In India & Only Second Time In The World, An Organ Recipient Also Donated An Organ!

When one woman in Pune was declared brain-dead, her liver was transplanted to save another patient’s life. While incredibly noble, this by itself isn’t out-of-t...

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Indian Short Film To Be Premiered At The Prestigious 67th Berlin International Film Festival

A great film is always dependent on the vision of the director, but if the right minds are keen to support that very vision, that is a true endorsement for any art form. Read More

Living With Robots Will Change Humans in Unexpected Ways

We will love our robots. That much is hardwired into the human brain, according to Kate Darling, a research specialist at the MIT Media Lab.
From the heartfelt outpour...

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Action All The Way

Matthew Riley’s hero Jack West is one of the world’s five greatest warriors, along with Moses, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Christ—seriously!—so he is...

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How AI Can Become A “Third Hemisphere” Of Our Brains

While artificial intelligence may replace truck dricers and beat us at chess, it also has much to offer: it can free up our minds and responsibilities for the tasks and soc...

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