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American Scientists Want To Manufacture Synthetic Human Genomes

It’s only been 13 years since scientists at National Human Genome Research Institute finished sequencing the human genome, but now another group of American scientist...

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Orcas Are First Non-Humans Whose Evolution Is Driven By Culture

You could call it a culture shock. Many researchers accept that cultural experiences have helped shape human evolution – and evidence has now emerged that the same ma...

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This Diabetes Activist Hacked Her Medical Device And Made An Artificial Pancreas

Algorithms are boring until your life depends on them. People with Type 1 diabetes use algorithms all day long. They perform mental calculations to manage their blood-sugar...

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SpaceX Is Already Working On Legal Approval For Its 2018 Mars Flight

I’ve been to the Humans to Mars Summit, an annual conference thrown by Explore Mars about speeding up human colonization of the Red Planet, a few times. It’s al...

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Beano For Bovines: Here's How Researchers Are Cutting Methane Emissions From Cows

Just as people plagued by flatulence have turned to diets and supplements for relief, scientists are seeking a cure for belching — and sometimes farting — cows....

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Space-Grown Mouse Embryos Are a Step Toward Human Colonization

Chinese scientists are creeping a tiny bit closer to the future dream of humans colonizing and reproducing in space.
They’ve succeeded, reports the Chinese ...

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Scientists Think Intelligent Life Could Have Evolved Before Brains

Today, French scientists took a poke at humans’ intellectual hegemony by demonstrating, for the first time ever, that a single-celled organism without a brain or nerv...

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The Future Of The Frog Looks Bleak; Unless Humans Change

Amphibians, the oldest group of land vertebrates, are regarded as themost threatened across the globe. From Brazil’s tropical rain forests, to Canada’s temperat...

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Australia Is Letting The Great Barrier Reef Die Over A Lot Of Coal

If there was one thing Australia could’ve done to save the Great Barrier Reef, it would’ve been to block the development of the country’s largest coal min...

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True Review Movie - The Jungle Book

Cast: Neel Sethi, Bill Murray, Ben Kingsley,Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong'o, Scarlett Johansson, Giancarlo Esposito, Christopher Walken.

Direction: Jon Favreau.


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