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El Niño’s Causing Havoc Around The Globe — And Could Make 2015 The Hottest Year On Record

It’s too early to say whether year’s recurrence of El Niño will end up being the most powerful on record, but it’s expected to be among the top con...

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Japan Plans To Kill Hundreds Of Protected Whales This Winter

?Australia strongly opposes the decision by Japan to resuming whaling in the Southern Ocean this summer,? Greg Hunt, Australia?s environment minister,?told reporters?on Sat...

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Tracking Planes Over The Ocean Is About To Get Easier

Speaking at this year’s annual meeting of the Canadian Space Society, Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) researcher Dr. Ron Vincent said that the tracking t...

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Biodegradable Plastic Is Bullshit

"The real bottom line is that biodegradable plastics aren't going to be a solution for reducing the impact of marine litter," Peter Kershaw, the report's author, said. "Whe...

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Unless Earth Is Hit By A Huge Asteroid, 2015 Will Likely Be The Hottest Year On Record

"This marked the sixth consecutive month a monthly global temperature record has been broken and was also the?greatest departure from average for any month?in the 1,630 mon...

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The Dispersants Used After The BP Blowout Did More Harm Than Good

Chemical dispersants were supposed to make it easier for undersea bacteria to digest the oil that poured into the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon blowout. Read More

Even Glaciers Near The North Pole Are Melting

Jeremie Mouginot and his team reconstructed the shape and movements of the glacier to track how it has changed in geometry due to melting from below caused by warm water in...

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Nearly 40,000 Displaced After Cyclone Chapala Slams Into Yemen

The storm, with its extremely heavy rains and flooding, affected as many as 1.1 million people, and displaced more than 36,000, according to the United Nations Office for t...

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Those Plumes Of Methane Leaking Off The Coast Of Washington Are Really Bad News For The Oceans

As the oceans absorb greater amounts of carbon dioxide from human-caused emissions, the waters off Washington and Oregon have become more acidic. That has forced some comme...

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The World's Most Endangered Marine Mammal Might Have Just Got A Lifeline

New conservation commitments from Mexican authorities will hopefully contribute to making vaquita sightings a more common occurrence. Agreements made in a recent session of...

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