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How Data Can Improve the Impact of Stories

‘Our ancestors created their myths and told their stories for a human purpose. Any good story, any good novel, should have a message’, wrote Chinua Achebe, the ...

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Lifting the Curtain on Mental Health

“Mental health and well-being are fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, earn a living,...

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We have crossed the line on climate change, says study

Earth?s climate is forever changing and evolution and extinction of species is an inevitable part of the process. But a new study shows that human activities have accelerat...

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An Alternative Exploration of Geopolitics

Hindsight is always 20/20. Subjective to the present, we often tend to overlook patterns and correlation until the objectivity parts the seas to a broader picture. It was o...

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Why scientists are (almost) certain that climate change is man-made

ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was extremely likely that climate change ...

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Mum's health plays greater part in preemie babies

AN INTERNATIONAL study on premature babies has found medical conditions such as chronic hypertension and pre-eclampsia play a greater role in the untimely birth and not the...

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Some hard truths on safe motherhood

Maternal deaths should be treated as a human rights issue and governments need to focus on best antenatal practices and provision of emergency obstetric care to bring down ...

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Growth of independent India an amazing story; empower it by health investment

Today, the prime minister will stand at the Red Fort to address the nation. For a generation, the Independence Day speech has been about India’s mind-blowing progress...

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Habits of Highly Humanistic Doctors

Even in these times of highly commercialized health care you might still come across doctors and physicians who are humanistic.

How are they different?

I re...

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Climate change and air pollution will lead to famine by 2050, study claims

The world is expected to need 50 per cent more food by 2050, with around four billion more mouths to feed. But this food could soon be in short supply due to increasing tem...

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