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Plastic Will Be Inside Nearly Every Seabird On Earth By 2050

Oceans are the world’s forgotten landfill, and seabirds are turning into flying garbage cans. By 2050, 99 percent of all seabird species will be contaminated by the p...

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Who Killed The Venus Flytrap?

The Venus flytrap is one of the most iconic and well-known plant species in the world. It's a hearty favorite that's easy to propagate indoors, which is why it's found in n...

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Whales Are Dying Off North America’s West Coast — And It Could Signal Trouble Deep In The Ocean

In only one week, the corpses of four humpback whales have been found along Canada's west coast, fueling questions of whether their deaths are connected to a recent uptick ...

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Cecil The Lion Killing Brings Calls For Extradition And Global Reckoning On Endangered Species

The killing of Cecil the Lion in a remote stretch of Zimbabwe has prompted an international reckoning over how countries protect endangered species and combat illegal hunti...

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Mirrors: Capturing And Recording The Collective Consciousness Through Media

In the recent wake of the Yakub Memon case, opinions have been polarized creating a rift, a schism of thought and identity has manifested in the nation’s collective c...

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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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Tiny Marine Organisms At The Base Of The Food Chain Are Eating The Plastic We Toss In The Oceans

Tiny marine organisms sitting at the very bottom of our food chain are ingesting the plastics that humans are tossing by the ton into the world's oceans, say researchers in...

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Rhinos With Spy Cams In Their Horns Will Catch Poachers In The Act

What could help protect endangered rhinos from even the most nefarious of poachers? A 24/7, real-time monitoring device that syncs rhinos up directly with the teams that wa...

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As Many As 11,000 Sharks Are Killed By Humans Every Hour

Since early June, sharks have attacked eight people off the coast of North Carolina. The victims range in age from 8 to nearly 70, and two people ? teens attacked on June 1...

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Rising Temperatures Are Squishing Bumblebee Habitats.

Climate change is putting the pinch on bumblebee habitats, says a study published today in the journal Science. As atmospheric temperatures have risen, wild bumblebees in N...

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