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Bonded Labourers, Sex Workers, Forced Beggars: India Leads World In Slavery

India has the largest population of modern slaves in the world with more than 18 million people trapped as bonded labourers, forced beggars, sex workers and child soldiers,...

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Half Of India's Homeless Children Are Labourers

Half of all children living on the street or from homeless families work for a living–at construction sites, hotels–and do not study, reveal data from surveys c...

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Programmers Aren't Writing Green Code Where It's Most Needed

Confession? I don't write green code. I mean, it might be green code just by coincidence, but I've never really thought too much about the relative energy consumption deman...

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Access To Digital Technology Accelerates Global Gender Equality

In every industry, digital technologies are transforming the status quo. Now we have evidence that they are also bringing us closer to workplace equality. Digital fluency i...

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The Air In Nearly Every Big City In The Developing World Is Unhealthy To Breathe

Four out of five city-dwellers worldwide live in towns with lousy air, raising the odds of premature death from lung or heart ailments, the World Health Organization (WHO) ...

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The Ocean Conditions That Are Bleaching the Great Barrier Reef May Be the New Normal in 20 Years

The coral bleaching that has devastated Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef — and been described as the most extreme event in the reef's history — would have ...

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'Star Wars' sequel should have gay characters, GLAAD says.

Star Wars should introduce gay or lesbian characters into the franchise, GLAAD urges in a new report.
The push comes as part of the anti-defamation group's studio resp...

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When Economic Growth Doesn't Make Countries Happier

Rich people are happier than poorer people on average, and richer countries are happier than poorer countries. And yet growing national wealth is not always accompanied by ...

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Fashion for a Cause! At “Sion Carnival”

~ A fundraising event in aid of Special Children, Widows and Farmers ~
~ Bollywood celebrities like Krishika Lulla, Isha Kopikkar and Evely...

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Mechanical Engineer Quits Job To Build Pond In A Village

After quitting his job as an engineer, Shashank Singh decided to take up a development project in rural Rajasthan. Today, he is living in a village, helping rejuvenate a po...

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