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Not really needed now!

Why talk about the past… why talk of the future. Who knows what more is there… yet to be seen! - Humr...

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Ten Tips: How to avoid ‘Corona Fatigue’

In the interest of public health, Dr Kishore Madhwani offers tips on how to stay safe and calm.

Worldwide ...

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Yosemite: A Travelogue

Bhooma Sundararajan transports you to Yosemite and brings you back from an exhilarating journey from there.

Sunil Dutt – 6th June 1929 to 25th May 2005

I had  met  Sunil Dutt  more than  once, writes Humra Quraishi in her piece this week, where she recalls o...

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That pair of eyes…

His words changed my perception to life and living… nudging me to accept whatever comes along in life, writes Humra Quraishi Read More

That Haze

Humra Quraishi  writes another stunning story, set in Lucknow where despite being in groups and communities, in crowded p...

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Pupils of a lesser God

Zuhaib, a student of mass communication at Jamia Millia Islamia University says that because of the lockdown all his classes are now online. Hi...

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The Exodus

As desperation and frustration increases amongst workers trapped in the city with no work and no money, they attempt to escape in whichever way...

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Conversion of sorts!

Nodding, I walked back, towards home… I opened the window to let in some fresh air but what came in the way were those dengue warnings f...

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Are you woke?

Just like the rest of you, I’ve also been sitting at home, working when possible and consuming news on television, social media and the occasional newspaper, which ge...

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