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Health-Care Data Is Ailing

Data pertaining to health care in India, evidence shows, is significantly compromised in terms of its quality, its periodicity and coverage. In addition, “there is a ...

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OPPI Releases ‘Healthcare In India: New Milestones New Frontiers’ With McKinsey And Co As knowledge Partner

‘Healthcare in India: New Milestones New Frontiers’, a publication which highlights some existing and future challenges for poli...

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Children's Health, Privacy At Risk From Digital Marketing

The World Health Organization (WHO) Has Published The Report, Which Calls For Immediate Action By Policy Makers To Recognise And Address The Growing Issue Of Targeted Marke...

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Smart Energy Technology 'Stymied By Current Policy'

Smart technology that could shave £90 off household energy bills and curb carbon emissions is being stymied by government policy, a leading thinktank has said. In a w...

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What We Learned About The Global Burden Of Disease?

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, observed that knowledge is power and information is liberating. Indeed, the collection, analysis and dissemi...

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India’s Hunger Crisis Worse Than Bangladesh, Nepal

Reductions in the prevalence of undernourishment, child stunting, child mortality and child wasting (low weight for height) have led to the improvement in Global Hunger Ind...

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Kaleidoscope - No Lese Majeste Intended

One of the most popular plays by the National Theatre, London is The Audience, which thank to the NT Live programme that allows audience around ...

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New Law To Make 26 Week Maternity Compulsory In Private Sector

This has to be the less debated reform from the government, luckily. Henceforth working women in private sector may soon be entitled to 26-week maternity leave under the ne...

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These Charts Prove That The World Is Getting Dramatically Better, Not Worse

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day, an annual fundraising campaign organized by public charity Comic Relief Inc. to help alleviate child poverty. In the U.S. alone, one in seven fami...

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Gillian Anderson Speaks For Orcas At Seaworld Annual Meeting

X-Files star Gillian Anderson spoke up for orcas during SeaWorld’s online annual meeting this week. She will submited a question on behalf of PETA — which owns ...

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