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No More Beer, Chocolate Or Coffee: How Climate Change Could Ruin Your Weekend

Climate change is the biggest threat to all of civilisation our species has faced since the 80s. Scientists say rising seas will envelope major cities around the world whil...

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Techno-Visionaries And The Philosopher’s Stone

“I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.”

– Kurt Vonnegut Read More

Technology Matters!

Technology has been heralded as the tool that will expedite the entire evolutionary process of human beings. Technology has boomed over the last 40-45 and has taken over mu...

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Microbeads Kill Animals And Destroy The Environment — So California May Ban Them

The many cosmetic and personal hygiene products that contain tiny plastic pellets in their creams and gels appear to be on the verge of being banned in California, after th...

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Abstract Property: Imperialism of Ideas

Science and religion have been polarized over the issue of consciousness since time immemorial. Science attributes this fundamental function of our species to tiny volts of...

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Climate Change Could kill 1 in 6 Earth Species

Currently, about 2.8 per cent of the species on Earth are at risk of extinction due to climate change that has already occurred. One in six species on Earth could be threat...

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7 Things We’ve Learned About Earth Since The Last Earth Day

A whole lot has changed since the first Earth Day in 1970.

Back then, the most urgent environmental problems facing the United States were air and water pollution. ...

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Digging Deep: Our Affinity For Rituals

We build off the shoulders of our ancestors. As the shadow of our pastdances against the wall of time, every nuanced movement, every refraction, every proportion contains t...

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Barrier Reef coral genetically altered in hope of surviving climate change

Coral species from different climes being mixed as a form of ?assisted evolution? to see if it will help them adapt more quickly to rising sea temperatures The Australian g...

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We have crossed the line on climate change, says study

Earth?s climate is forever changing and evolution and extinction of species is an inevitable part of the process. But a new study shows that human activities have accelerat...

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