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India Fast-Tracks Kashmir Hydro Projects That Could Affect Pakistan Water Supplies

India has fast-tracked hydropower projects worth $15bn in Kashmir in recent months, three federal and state officials said, ignoring warnings from Islamabad that power stat...

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The Juxtaposition Of Disability And Gender Rights

Women, in particular, are rendered invisible despite the fact that Deepa Malik is breaking barriers as the first Indian to bring home a medal from the Paralympics The first...

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How Language Shapes The Disability Experience In India

One day Madan Vasishta is deaf — the next, divine. Nothing special happened to him. He experienced no moment of religious clarity…no metaphysical encounter. Th...

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12-Year-Old Girl Wants Northeast India’s History To Be Included In Our Textbooks

While the Indian government continues to force nationalistic pride upon its citizens in the hopes of making us all ’respect’ and ‘admire’ this glori...

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India’s Population Surges As Men Remain Reluctant To Use Contraceptive Measures

Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis is taking a digital campaign route and tapping into hologram technology to woo voters in the Maharashtra civic polls. To reach ...

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Bollywood Bats For Clean India!

While films are now addressing serious social issues, it is overwhelming to see Bollywood celebrities taking charge offscreen as well. Doing their bit to spread awareness o...

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India Honours 67-Year-Old Nepali Woman Who Freed 12,000 Girls From Sexual Slavery

A 67-year-old Nepali woman honoured with one of India's most prestigious awards for freeing thousands of girls from sexual slavery said on Friday it was the unbearable pain...

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Budget Expectation: Rights Body For Enhanced Funding For Child Welfare

Noting a “constant decline” in budgetary allocation for children amid malnourishment, child labour and lack of education, rights body CRY has advocated for an i...

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Making Sense Of Chaos

It is clear to every thinking person that our society is in a flux and whenever that happens, the first thing that comes under attack is freedom of expression. More often t...

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This Giant Vertical Farming Robot Is Coming For Your Crops

In 2011, the number of people on Earth passed 7 billion and by 2050 that number is expected to jump up to almost 10 billion. Aside from trying to feed all these people, we'...

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