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Non-recyclable Tetra Paks destroying the Beautiful Beaches of the World

In Vietnam, a Southeast Asian country on the South China Sea known for its beaches and rivers, milk consumption has almost doubled up in the pa...

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Go watch Jaws...

Cast: Jason Statham, Li Bingbing, Rainn Wilson, Ruby Rose, Winston Chao, Cliff Curtis


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World Environment Day: How are the Stars saving the Environment?

June 5 marked World Environment Day - a day dedicated to generating awareness regarding the threats lurking ove...

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The Fish You Eat May Contain Plastic Microparticles

A day or two ago my Twitter feed was filled with tweets from WWF, Dodo and the UN with headlines which said: "B...

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Encouraging Local Communities to Appreciate Local Nature

When you think about nature, cities are not what comes to your mind. Nature is a camping trip to a state park, ...

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Festivals to Watch Out for in the New Year

New year, new films, new film festivals. While 2017 wasn't the best year in films we hope to see better films in 2018. With so much informat...

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Project Sea Horse: Japan's Idea to Exploit Ocean's Power

The common image of Japan abroad is of a high-tech country — a place of robots and flashing neon lights and the latest beeping gadgets...

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Waiting for the Ban on Banning of Banning!

While the intentions of outright banning books, art, music, symbols, statues, or behaviour are usually always good—desires to end raci...

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Tomorrows Citizens take Matters in their Hands Today!

Louisiana has been losing coastal wetlands since at least the 1930s, but the long-term rate of land loss has slowed since its peak in the 1970s, and U.S. Geological Survey ...

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