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What The COP21 Climate Agreement Means For Fashion

On Saturday in Paris, the gavel came down on two weeks of fraught talks, resulting in a landmark agreement between representatives of 195 countries to cut emissions of gree...

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Scientists Print 3D Models Of Great Barrier Reef In Bid To Save It

Researchers creating virtual maps of coral reefs to precisely model how structure altered by environmental change Scientists are using 3D printing technology to create pros...

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Floods And Erosion Are Ruining Britain’s Most Significant Sites

Climate change is already wrecking some of Britain’s most significant sites, from Wordsworth’s gardens in Cumbria to the white cliffs on England’s south c...

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Climate Change In 2016: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

This past year had so many stories involving human-caused climate change – it will be forever in our memories. Here is a summary of some of the high points, from my p...

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Major Flooding In UK Now Likely Every Year, Warns Lead Climate Adviser

Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on t...

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Oil Drilling Caused Killer Earthquake In Boomtime California, Scientists Suspect

Several damaging Los Angeles-area earthquakes of the 1920s and 1930s, including the deadliest ever in southern California, may have been brought on by oil production during...

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The Impact Of Climate Change On Human Health

Climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people. The impacts of human-induced climate change are increasing nationwide. Rising greenhouse gas co...

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It's Official: 2015 Is The Hottest Year On Record

Average land and sea surface temperatures for the year ran 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.62 degrees Fahrenheit) above the 20th-century average, the US National Oceanic and Atmosph...

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There's A Heat Wave Going On In The North Pole ? And That's Not Good News

Temperatures at the North Pole may not have topped the freezing mark ? there are mixed reports from different weather buoys ? but it was an unseasonably warm Wednesday at t...

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It May Be 70 Degrees Fahrenheit Above Average This Week In The North Pole

As winter storms continue to wreak havoc in much of the United States, a system is building in the North Atlantic that some weather watchers say could push temperatures in ...

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