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EVENING SHADOWS screens in Amsterdam on ‘Coming Out Day’

October 11th is celebrated as Coming Out Day worldwide since 1988, underlining the most basic form of activism - coming out to family,...

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Everyday Household Items that cause Pollution

Engineering changes to car exhausts have dramatically reduced the amount of pollution produced per mile, meanin...

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Bill Gates aims for a Cleaner Planet

Bill Gates is a name that you will come across quite often when it comes to philanthropy and saving the planet. Thanks to Bill Gates' fundin...

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Electric Women

What if the gender equation were to be reversed so that women could not just defend themselves against violent males but also overpower them...

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Time is running out, was said 25 years ago by World's Leading Scientists

A document called “World Scientists' Warning to Humanity” released 25 years ago, in November 1992 warned us that human beings and the natural world are on a col...

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Apocalypse Now? ... Or Never!

“The time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now. You can make history or be vilified by it.” - Leonardo Di Caprio


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National Energy Policy and Public Health

The draft National Energy Policy was released by Niti Aayog on the 27th of June 2017. It openly invited comments and suggestions from the public to help strengthen its opin...

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Rise in Carbon Emissions Linked to Rise in Heatwaves

A study that examined the impact of global climate change on the basis of wet bulb temperature (WBT), found a steady rise in occurrences of humid heat waves . Wet Bulb Temp...

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The Fate Of 'America's First River' Is The Focus Of A New Film Series

Home to America's 'First River,' the Hudson region of New York has a well-earned reputation as the birthplace of the country's environmental movement. From the early Hudson...

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What The COP21 Climate Agreement Means For Fashion

On Saturday in Paris, the gavel came down on two weeks of fraught talks, resulting in a landmark agreement between representatives of 195 countries to cut emissions of gree...

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