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New Method For Trapping CO2 as Solid Rock Could Help to Fight Climate Change

There’s no denying that 2016 has been a year of environmental extremes. Think “extraordinarily” hot Arctic temperatures, rapidly melting glaciers, unprece...

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Cli-Fi - The Hottest New Literary Genre

Apocalypse used to seem like a dubious future outcome, the stuff of Revelation or cheesy sci-fi movies. But if you are even grudgingly willing to acknowledge scientific evi...

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Witness To Climate Change: Remembering Photographer Gary Braasch

Portland environmental photographer Gary Braasch described himself as a witness to climate change. He dedicated himself to making images that helped the rest of the world w...

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Climate Change Data Becomes Beautiful Nature Illustrations

For artist Jill Pelto, communicating the seriousness of climate change has become a personal mission. She does so in an unconventional manner— by using graphs as the ...

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You Can Blame Climate Change For Making The Days Longer

Scientists have known for about 30 years that the additional water would flow toward the Equator from the poles, adding mass to the planet's middle and a bit of drag to its...

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Choking Air, Melting Glaciers: How Global Warming Is Changing India

Its Himalayan glaciers are melting fast, its agricultural heartland is drying up and its capital is choking on the world’s filthiest air. Yet India’s government...

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Choking Air, Melting Glaciers: How Global Warming Is Changing India

Its Himalayan glaciers are melting fast, its agricultural heartland is drying up and its capital is choking on the world's filthiest air. Yet India's government is one of t...

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China Is Tapping Tibetan Glaciers To Meet Growing Demand For Bottled Water

Driven both by convenience and concerns about the country's widespread pollution, the Chinese drank nearly 10.6 billion gallons of bottled water in 2013, the Hong Kong-base...

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Even Glaciers Near The North Pole Are Melting

Jeremie Mouginot and his team reconstructed the shape and movements of the glacier to track how it has changed in geometry due to melting from below caused by warm water in...

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Antarctica’s Weird And Wondrous Blood Falls Houses Tons Of Ancient Microbes.

Three million years ago, a glacier slid over an area of seawater that had made its way inland. The water being too salty to freeze, it just got trapped under the ice, along...

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