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Less than 500 days left, can India meet its MDG targets?

Going by current trends, the target for reducing infant mortality and improving other human development indices seem near impossible to achieve Less that 500 days are left ...

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How technology can save India’s vanishing generation

For India’s children, the journey from a crib to grave is indeed very short. A Save the Children study has reported that over three lakh babies die on their first-day...

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Uttarakhand safest for newborns: first annual health survey

The first ever annual health survey (AHS) released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on May 3 rates Uttarakhand as the safest state in India for child to be born...

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Most infant deaths in India occur on first day of birth

In spite of reducing child mortality, deaths of infants in India on the first day of birth is still way too high and likely to hamper it from achieving the millennium devel...

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