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Are Non-vegetarians destroying the Planet?

A new report, Appetite for Destruction, launched at the Extinction and Livestock Conference at London, says the consumption of animal products is leading to a vast...

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This Giant Vertical Farming Robot Is Coming For Your Crops

In 2011, the number of people on Earth passed 7 billion and by 2050 that number is expected to jump up to almost 10 billion. Aside from trying to feed all these people, we'...

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The 'Avon Ladies' Of Pakistan Selling Contraception Door To Door

A scheme training local women to deliver birth control pills to homes hopes to reduce maternal mortality and poverty
rom 8am to 4pm, 25-year-old Samina Khaskheli trav...

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Exploiting Asia's Biodiversity Can Ensure Food Security, End Hunger

Experts came together at a regional consultation on Asia’s biodiversity to assess opportunities on how to ensure food security and enhance nutrition across the contin...

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Global Restrictions On Farm Antibiotics Needed To Fight Superbugs, Report Says

There?? no denying the link between the overuse of antibiotics on farm animals and the development of antibiotic resistance, according to a new report commissioned by UK Pr...

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Global Restrictions On Farm Antibiotics Needed To Fight Superbugs, Report Says

There?s no denying the link between the overuse of antibiotics on farm animals and the development of antibiotic resistance, according to a new report commissioned by UK Pr...

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Drastic Reductions in Meat Consumption Worldwide Could Help Fight Climate Change

If the world piled on the veggies and cut back on steaks and hamburgers, the UK-based think tank Chatham House said in a report this week, the world could ge...

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Snow Leopards At Risk As Himalayas Face Climate Change 'Crisis'

Warming temperatures could cause the tree line to shift up the mountains and cause farmers to plant crops and graze livestock at higher altitudes, squeezing the snow leopar...

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In mid January, the skies over Gujarat and Maharashtra are gaily speckled with kites, diving, soaring and getting at each other. This day marks the solar ingress into Capri...

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Limiting carbon emissions is not enough to stop global warming

The Post?s editorial series on climate change made valid and important points [?A climate for change,? Aug. 25 through Aug. 29]. In particular: The problem is real, importa...

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