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The First Spacewalker Cheated Death And Crash-Landed In a Forest Full of Wolves

March 18, 1965 was an ordinary Thursday for the majority of people located on planet Earth. But for 30-year-old cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, one of two people who happened to b...

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SpaceX Says It Will Send Two Extremely Wealthy People Around the Moon Next Year

Two space tourists are headed around the Moon and back in 2018, according to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who spoke to reporters in a highly anticipated press call on Monday. Amid...

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Inside NASA’s Space Farming Labs

For the first time since the end of NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, there is serious talk of sending humans beyond low earth orbit. NASA has been courting ideas for jou...

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Massive Telescope Will Be Upgraded To Study The Nearest Exoplanets To Earth

One of the biggest space stories of 2016 was the discovery of the Earth-scale planet Proxima b in orbit around Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun. Located only 4...

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Project Blue Wants To Photograph the Nearest Earth-like Planet

In 2009, NASA launched the Kepler space observatory into an orbit around the sun with the express purpose of using the satellite to discover Earth-like planets orbiting oth...

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Watch NASA Launch New Hurricane-Chasing Satellites From A Plane-Riding Rocket

On Monday, NASA plans to launch a constellation of eight hurricane-chasing satellites from a rocket strapped to the underside of a plane. As if that were not metal enough, ...

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Do We Know What Our Children Want?

"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place."

J.K. Rowling


Over the last one century or so, ordin...

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Seeing Earth From Space Is The Key To Saving Our Species From Itself

When Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth in April 1961, he carried centuries of hopes and dreams into space with him. Visionaries had long struggled to p...

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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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A New Type Of Dune Has Been Found On Mars

Led by Caltech planetary geologist Mathieu Lapôtre, the new research confirmed the existence of this third type of “bedform,” the term for sedimentary str...

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