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Microplastics Take Over the Arctic

The oceans all over the world are flooded with tons of plastic. Many must have heard of the great Pacific garba...

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Dutch Duo believe 'Stardust' to be an Alternative Raw Matter

Its pretty clear that Earth's resources won't last forever. We’re constantly fighting over land and water...

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Everyday Household Items that cause Pollution

Engineering changes to car exhausts have dramatically reduced the amount of pollution produced per mile, meanin...

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The One and Only Shot you've got to Have!

The saying "one for all, and all for one" has taken a whole new level of meaning, with this technology. Engineers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have invented t...

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How To Stop Construction Companies From Choking Our Cities

Poor air quality, with diesel the biggest culprit, is now thought to be the cause of 40,000 deaths in the UK each year. But while cars and lorries have attracted most atten...

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500,000 Pieces Of Space Junk Are Orbiting The Earth.

Humans have a real knack for leaving their mark wherever they go. Thanks to the curiosity of the human mind and our grand ambitions, this trait is no longer just relegated ...

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Aerosol Study To Look At Great Unknown In Climate Science

Australian scientists seek to understand how non-carbon aerosolised particles affect global temperatures Australian scientists are studying air pollution and cloud formatio...

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Why The Higgs Boson Found At The Large Hadron Collider Could Be An ‘Impostor’

In 2012, researchers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland famously found a particle that acted like the Higgs boson, an elusive and long-theorized particle tha...

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Disturbing Images Show The Extent Of Delhi's Extreme Pollution Emergency

Delhi, the capital city of India and home to 25 million residents, is in the midst of an “extreme pollution event.” In other words the city has been overrun wit...

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Scientists Are Testing Out Nanoparticles That Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

The future is here; We now live in a world where researchers can send tiny, manmade particles into the body to blast apart cells that help cancer spread. Well, at least in ...

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