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Debunking dangerous myths about vaccines

Measles is making a comeback, with a 20-year high in reported infections, due mostly to folks who are opting out of the vaccination, according to the Centers for Disease Co...

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Four reasons why you should get your child vaccinated!

Raising a child is a huge challenge. As parents, protecting your child’s health and safety is the most important thing to you. One of the best ways to protect your ch...

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Researchers find 69% rise in pertussis vaccination rate among new mothers

Changing the hospital orders for women who have just delivered a child led to a 69% increase in the new mothers’ pertussis vaccination rate, providing protection for ...

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Climate change: To understand challenges, Pakistan can look 4,000 years into the past

Changing the hospital orders for women who have just delivered a child led to a 69% increase in the new mothers’ pertussis vaccination rate, providing protection for ...

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Pentavalent vaccine gets clean chit, set for national scale-up

The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI) has recommended scale-up of the pentavalent vaccine across the country, along with activities to monitor poten...

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